Our Location

      6100 Glades Road,
      Suite 304
      Boca Raton, FL 33434

      Medical Weight Loss Clinic in Boca Raton, FL

      Medical Weight Loss Boca Raton FL

      We understand that weight management is crucial to overall health and longevity. Our mission is to provide comprehensive, personalized care to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. By addressing the root causes of weight gain and offering tailored solutions, we empower our patients to make lasting lifestyle changes and improve their quality of life.

      To learn more about medical weight loss, call our office in Boca Raton to speak with a leading weight loss doctor in Florida. Please call (561) 623-9344 today!

      Understanding the Obesity Epidemic

      Obesity and chronic diseases are at an all-time high in the United States, yet the conversation often misses a crucial point: the struggle many face in making lasting lifestyle changes. Our culture and media are saturated with diet fads and quick fixes that work temporarily but often lead to a cycle of weight loss and gain.

      Why Traditional Diets Fail

      While many diets show initial success, they often fail in the long-term because people revert to old eating habits once the diet ends. This cycle can be disheartening and frustrating.

      At the Institute for Healthy Aging, we recognize that weight gain isn't solely due to poor dietary choices but can also stem from underlying physiological issues.

      Comprehensive historical assessments and precise laboratory analyses are crucial in identifying these root causes. When our organ systems function optimally, weight often becomes a non-issue.

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      Root Causes of Weight Gain

      1. Diet
        • Eating the wrong foods
        • Consuming excessive quantities of food and alcohol
        • Late-night eating
      2. Exercise
        • Lack of regular physical activity
      3. Endocrine Disorders
        • Hypothyroidism
        • Suboptimal sex hormone levels, particularly in post-menopausal women
        • Excess cortisol production
      4. Stress
        • Excessive stress, whether emotional or physical, can overstimulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, promoting weight gain.
      5. Gut Microbiome
        • The bacteria in your gut affect every organ system in your body. A suboptimal gut microbiome, such as low Prevotella or excessive Bacteroidetes, can hinder weight loss efforts despite the best diets and intentions.

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      Comprehensive Assessment

      At the Institute for Healthy Aging, we offer thorough evaluations to determine the cause of your excess weight and identify the best treatment modalities. For those who prefer not to undergo a detailed evaluation, we also accommodate individuals seeking medication for weight loss.

      • Full Screening Blood Panel: Comprehensive blood work to assess overall health and identify potential issues.
      • Holistic Nutritionist Evaluation: Personalized dietary assessments and recommendations.
      • Stool Testing: Analysis of the gut microbiome to understand its impact on weight.
      • Physical Examination: Conducted by Dr. Rosenberg to evaluate overall health and pinpoint contributing factors to weight gain.

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      Our Weight Loss Programs

      Our treatment plans are customized to address the specific needs of each individual, ensuring a holistic approach to weight loss. We consider all aspects of your health and lifestyle, from dietary habits and physical activity levels to hormonal imbalances and gut health.

      By tailoring our programs to your unique situation, we strive to provide sustainable and effective weight management solutions. Our comprehensive approach not only helps you shed pounds but also improves your overall well-being, boosts energy levels and enhances your quality of life.

      We offer the following treatment options:

      • Referral to a personal trainer/health coach
      • Referral to our holistic nutritionist
      • CNS stimulant (Phentermine / Phendimetrazine)
      • GLP-1 Agonists (Semaglutide / Tirzepatide)
      • Supplements / Nutraceuticals
      • Endocrine Therapy, as indicated

      Personal Trainer/Health Coach

      We offer referrals to certified professionals who can provide personalized exercise and health coaching plans. Regular physical activity, guided by a personal trainer, helps improve metabolic health, build muscle mass, and increase calorie expenditure.

      Holistic Nutritionist

      We refer patients to our in-house holistic nutritionist for tailored dietary advice and support. A balanced and personalized diet plan can help correct nutritional deficiencies, manage blood sugar levels, and promote sustainable weight loss.

      CNS Stimulants

      Prescription medications like phentermine and phendimetrazine help with weight loss by suppressing appetite and increasing energy levels. These medications also help reduce food intake, making it easier to adhere to a calorie-restricted diet. Phentermine is typically prescribed for short-term use but can be effective when combined with lifestyle changes such as improved diet and increased physical activity.


      Customized supplements and nutraceuticals help support weight loss and overall health. These may include vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that enhance metabolism, reduce cravings, and support hormonal balance. Supplements can be tailored to address specific nutritional deficiencies and support overall wellness, aiding in the weight loss process.

      Endocrine Therapy

      We provide therapies to address hormonal imbalances that may be contributing to weight gain. Proper endocrine function is essential for regulating metabolism, energy levels, and body composition. Endocrine therapy may involve the use of medications or natural supplements to balance hormones such as thyroid hormones, cortisol, and sex hormones.

      Semaglutide for Weight Loss

      Initially approved by the FDA for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, Semaglutide has also proven effective for weight management in adults who are obese or overweight, particularly those with at least one weight-related condition such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol. Semaglutide works by mimicking GLP-1, a hormone that helps regulate appetite and food intake. Clinical trials have shown an average weight loss of around 15% of initial body weight over 68 weeks.

      Tirzepatide for Weight Loss

      Similar to Semaglutide, Tirzepatide mimics GLP-1 and is approved for treating diabetes. It is used off-label for weight management in individuals with obesity or overweight. Studies indicate that Tirzepatide may be more effective than Semaglutide, with individuals losing an average of 22.5% of their body weight or 52 lbs. However, your doctor will help determine which weight loss medication is right for your body.

      Begin Your Weight Loss Journey At AMT Today

      At AMT, we believe that no individual is incapable of losing weight. With the proper guidance, information, and treatment, you can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health.

      Please call (561) 623-9344 today to schedule your first consultation!

      Request Your Appointment Today!

      Our Location

      Institute for Healthy Aging
      6100 Glades Road, Suite 304
      Boca Raton, FL 33434
      Phone: (561) 623-9344
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